Throwback Fresh: Keith Sweat – Twisted


In the office today we played a bunch of throwback songs and I must say this song got the most reaction out of us.


Fresh Art: Artist Queenie Liao Creates Beautiful Photographs Using Her Sleeping Baby

Artist Queenie Liao found an amazing way to create beauty in photography using her sleeping baby. The pictures below are some of the most adorable photos we have ever seen & are sure to put a smile on not only your face but in your heart.  Also, catch some quotes from Queenie Liao on her love for photography and how the idea for these pictures came about. Enjoy.


“Photography has always been my hobby. At first my interest was on natural scenery, but after the birth of my first child in 2002, my attention shifted to my precious little baby.”

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“I began to take pictures of my baby boy, frequently drawing inspiration from the beautiful works of Anne Geddes.“

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“In 2010, after seeing the work of Ms. Adele Enersen with her sleeping daughter, I began to experiment with similar ideas with my then-three-month-old son Wengenn.”

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“I grew up indulging myself in fairy tales. Those fairy tales from my childhood gave me a multitude of ideas to try out.”



“Everyday just before Wengenn’s nap, I would imagine him being the main character in one of my favorite episodes, and “paint” a background setting with plain clothes, stuffed animals, and other common household materials, just like how an artist would with her paint brushes.”

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“Today, with well over one hundred photographs, each portraying a cute little story of Wengenn in his journey of adventure, I have combined them into an album called “Wengenn in Wonderland.”

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“A Chinese version of my book “Sleepy Baby – 可愛寶貝的扮裝寫真,” was published in Taiwan in July, 2012. The book provides step-by-step details of how some of those pictures were taken, as well as how other art crafts can be made out of baby pictures.”

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“I am very grateful to have the opportunity to share with the readers not only the pictures I have taken, but more importantly, the inexpressible love, joy and pride as a mother while creating this special album for my son Wengenn.”

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An English version of Queenie’s book is being made as well.




Fresh Scare: Scary Snowman Halloween Special 2013

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If your looking for a good laugh and scare all at the same time, check out this video.

So Fresh Costumes: Halloween Costumes For Kids Based On Your Favorite Movies And TV Shows

Halloween is TOMORROW ! Are you excited for it? We have been researching some of the more creative costumes for this year & found a couple great ones. Anyone can be a witch or fairy, but it takes creativity to pull off some of the costumes below. Enjoy.

Walter White from “Breaking Bad”Kids-Halloween-Costumes-Walter-White-from-Breaking-Bad

Max from “Where The Wild Things Are”Kids-Halloween-Costumes-Where-the-Wild-Things-Are


Dwight Shrute from “The Office”Kids-Halloween-Costumes-The-Office


Don Draper from “Mad MenKids-Halloween-Costumes-Mad-Men


Hannibal LecterKids-Halloween-Costumes-Silence-of-the-Lambs


Jack Skellington from “Nightmare Before Christmas”Kids-Halloween-Costumes-Jack-Skellington-from-Nightmare-Before-Christmas


North Carolina Head Coach Roy Williams Breaks It Down to “Hannah Montana” by Migos (Video)

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Who knew under their polished suits, the coaches of the North Carolina basketball team had moves like these. Watch as they perform to “Hannah Montana” by Migos.

10 Reasons Stylish Guys Make Terrible Boyfriends

10. Sometimes they look so ridiculous you don’t want to be seen with them.


Being stylish means often taking risks, for better or worse. But every once in a while all those Tumblr reblogs and compliments from strangers get to a guy’s head. This is when they end up attempting looks that may be a little too ambitious. The effort is commendable, until you end up in public with a date who looks like they could be on their way to a costume party. Hey, Halloween’s right around the corner…


9. It takes them three hours in the mirror and a half dozen outfit changes before they’re ready to go out.

 Stylish guys want to look good all the time, and that’s totally cool. But sometimes it goes too far—the outfit changes are nonstop and elaborate, as is the compulsion to catalogue who’s seen them wear what. They refuse to repeat looks if there’s the slightest chance of running into anyone who saw them wear it a couple of weeks ago. Plus there’s no leaving the house wearing anything that wouldn’t get them onto a street style blog, dinner reservations be damned.

8. All of a sudden, you’re their personal photographer on retainer. For Instagram, that is.


Every time you come across a perfectly lit street or landscape, your partner requests that you take a photo for their Insta. And then another one from a better angle, and then a full-length one to make sure their shoes are in the frame, and then one with their hands in their pocket, and then a serious one, and then one with a smile. Then they stand around wasting time cropping and choosing filters when all you wanted to do was get some brunch.

7. No one wants a backseat stylist.

Inevitably, a well-dressed guy’s stylishness translates into what they think is authority and they may try to give you unsolicited tips. While you may be happy wearing what works for you, your partner wants to help you become more stylish; after all, every Jay Z wants a Beyoncé, and vice versa. They may end up buying you gear and suggesting changes when you’re getting ready to go out. But even if it comes from a benevolent place, you’re a goddamn adult, not a charity case.

6. All they want to talk about is fashion.


There are only so many things you can say about a particular colorway or sleeve fit, and yet your stylish guy can talk for hours upon hours about the season’s trends in stitching. You may be generous enough to indulge their conversations about seemingly inconsequential things, but only at the expense of your own boredom and sanity.

5. Strangers always want to talk about their clothes.

They might not admit it but chances are your partner is compelled to dress well in part to turn heads on the street and gain the attention of complete strangers. If they’re really good at it, you can’t walk down the street with a stylish guy without what seems like the entire city wanting to know how they managed to snag that exclusive pair of kicks or that dope tee. And your boo indulges them every damn time. Priorities, man!

4. You have to step your game up to get on their level.

You might have the good fortune of dating a stylish person who goes out of their way to make you feel comfortable in your less-stylish skin, but you can’t help but feel the need to make an extra effort when you’re stepping out with them. This means you’re likely to end up investing a lot of unnecessary time, effort, and funds into what you wear when you’re hanging with your super fashionable partner. It ain’t easy.

3. They’re embarrassed to introduce you to their stylish friends.

 “Never judge a book by its cover but always judge a human being by their ability to put together a cool, seasonally appropriate, culturally relevant outfit.” Like it or not, that’s often the stylish person’s modus operandi, and they don’t want their friends to judge you ’cause you’re wearing a pair of shoes that haven’t been ‘in’ since Kanye was wearing polos. In their mind, your choices reflect on them, too, no matter how fucked up that might seem to normal-thinking people.


2. They memorize every streetwear drop date, but can’t remember anniversaries or birthdays.

It’s hard enough to make plans as a couple when everyone’s busy with work or school or life, but throwing the time-consuming world of streetwear into the mix makes scheduling infinitely harder. Those plans you made a week ago? They happen to coincide with the next Supreme release, and you know that “v rare” 5-panel always takes precedence over everything. Sorry.

1. They spend all their money on clothes.


Style may come free, but unless you’re North West, clothes sure don’t. For a stylish person it can feel like a compulsion to buy new gear every season, and the Internet makes it even harder to resist these instincts. That means significant quantities of paychecks being dumped on expanding their wardrobe and maybe even dipping into the savings account occasionally. A nice dinner is over in just two hours, but a pair of Visvims last forever, goes his reasoning. You know what else lasts forever? Diamonds, but try telling that to him after he peeps Engineered Garments’ latest release.


Fresh Sounds: Barak The Rapper (@BARAKtherapper) “Bluffin” (audio)


The California based artist “Barak The Rapper”has made quite the impression in the music game. With his two previous visuals Be Someone  and Take Bow receiving great reviews from credible media outlets and blogs, Barak is back with his latest offering Bluffin’. On this Goldo produced track, Barak speaks to the naysayers and others who talk a good game, and claim that they what it takes to achieve success in this industry. Barak boast “If you don’t know get a clue” as he refers to those who claim he’s not a credible emcee and challenges these naysayers to do what he does. Barak thoughts on these guys “It ain’t nothing tho, it’s really nothing tho, they say a lot of sh*t, the really just be Bluffin tho”. Checkout Barak’s latest offering Bluffin and see why Barak is the real deal.

Fresh Interview: Singer/Songwriter Jermaine Crawford (@Jermzcrawford) Talks to SA2Fresh

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Jermaine Crawford is no stranger to the spotlight. At the tender age of 12 he was playing “Dukie” on the legendary TV show, “The Wire.” While he made huge headway on the the TV show, his first love has always been music. Now at the age of 21, Jermaine is more than ready to show people who he is an an a musician, an artist and a man. We caught up with Jermaine who was gracious enough to answer a few questions about his craft, his beginnings and his new project. The project may be called Underdog (which is available on datpiff NOW) but he is not an artist you should underestimate.

For readers that do not know you, please tell our readers who you are?

My name is Jermaine Crawford, I’m a singer/actor born in Prince George’s County, Maryland. A lot of people are familiar with my work from The Wire on HBO, however it’s time to show the world a completely different side of me.

Most people who do know you remember you from “The Wire,” how did you transition into singing?

Well honestly I was a singer first. My dad was a deacon in our church growing up. He was also the leader of praise of worship, he’s a phenomenal singer. I definitely got my gift of song from my father. It’s through music that I fell in love with acting. I began doing musical theatre around 6 or 7 years old. In musical theatre, if you didn’t sing dance and act, you probably didn’t get casted. So I learned at a young age how to flip the script.

Tell us about your first exposure to music.

My first exposure to music would definitely be my experiences growing up in church; performing on stage, dancing in the church aisles, harassing the band players to let me hop on the drums or the keys. Keep in mind I was 4 – lol

When did you start writing original music?

I began writing my own original music around 3 or 4 years ago. I’ve always written poetry growing up because it was such a great way to express myself. I didn’t have many friends growing up so I would always write. It wasn’t until about 4 years ago that I began honing the actually skill of writing and producing records.

Jermaine Crawford

Do you remember the first time you went on stage? Where and what was it?

I honestly was way too young to remember my first time on stage, but I’m told it was pretty cool lol. I do remember my first solo performance outside of the church choir. I performed at the Lincoln Theatre in Washington D.C. I performed the song “Who’s Lovin’ You” by the Jackson 5. That will always be one of the greatest moments of my life because it was then that my addiction for performance was ignited.

Talk about your first single “Janet.” What was the inspiration behind that?

Well of course Janet Jackson lol. But more specifically her phenomenal production that I’ve been inspired by over the years. My favorite producers are Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, so my single Janet was a tribute, an ode to the style of music they created and that I love. Of course there was some personal influence regarding a woman I just couldn’t get over but whatever I’m 21. Sh*t will always happen, it’s just my job to write about it. *laughs*

Explain the title of your EP “Underdog.”

I named my first project Underdog because I believe it was the closest thing to a self-titled project as possible. I feel so looked over at times. I know that I have a gift that can impact music. I believe God placed a serious gift inside of me. Sometimes in you’re the only one who will see or get the vision. This project is for anyone who feels similar. Anyone who is fighting for their dreams, anyone who feels misunderstood. This one is for the go getters, the loners, the cool kids. You see: there is an underdog inside every single one of us.

Musically, who are you listening to write now?

I listen to anything that’s substantial. Specifically: Drake, Kendrick, Kanye, Jay-Z, TGT. Recently I’ve been playing a lot of Luther Vandross and Whitney Houston for some odd reason, I’m just in a ballad kind of mood these days lol

Given that most people do know you as an actor, what do you want people to know about you musically?

I want people to know that “I am here”. I want people to know that I’m next.

What are your goals for your music?

My goals for my music are to impact and change the entire world.

Throwback Fresh: Erykah Badu (@fatbellybella) “Love Of My Life”

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This is one of our favorite throwbacks and ode to one of the things we love the most–Hip Hop. We are still in awe of the visuals in this video. Kudos to Badu on this one.

Fresh Films: ‘Black Nativity’ Trailer

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Here is a movie that we really and truly cannot wait to see. The trailer for the ‘Black Nativity’ movie has been released and it looks like a musical experience. With an all star cast including Jennifer Hudson, Forrest Whitaker, Angela Basset, Jacob Lattimore, Nas, Mary J Blige and more. Take a look at the trailer below:

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