Dude Epically Photoshops Himself Into Pictures With Celebrities



Meet the Photoshop master who photoshops himself into photos of celebrities: Instagram user @Peejet. We’ve showed you some of his awesome work in the past, and now, he’s back with more epic Instagram posts.

Some of these photos look so real that at a quick glance, you might actually think he rode on a motorcycle with Kanye and Kim. (Who knows, maybe he did?)

It’s like my Mom always said: “If you can’t live the celebrity life, Photoshop yourself into pictures of celebrities living the life.” Truer words have never been spoken.

Let’s follow him on his epic Photoshop adventure, shall we?


Hanging with Ri Ri


Discussing the choreography for the Grammys opening act with Jay Z and Beyoncé


Getting a back massage from Miley Cyrus after a day of hard twerk


Giving the power couple a ride home after their dinner (they always change outfits after dinner)


Covering Billy Ray Cyrus’ eyes during any Miley performance


Taking a nice sunset motorcycle ride with Kimye


Getting a lap dance from his favorite bad girl


Getting some morning reading done with his favorite “good girl”


Finding himself very unhappy with President Obama’s decision to take a selfie…


Hanging with Ri Ri again (Chris Brown is NOT happy)… fight?


Getting nice and cozy with Kim (Kanye is NOT happy)… Twitter rant?


Consoling Drake: “It’s okay, Drizzy. I’m sure there will be another rainbow soon.”


Kanye putting him in a headlock for playing a video of the Ray J sex tape


Enjoying a hot tub with Beyoncé and Blue Ivy as Jay looks on in disbelief


Telling Nicki Minaj that Drake cries when he misses a nice rainbow


Watching the Lakers suck, alongside Kobe Bryant


Spending his first Christmas with Ri Ri (he got her a bright DI-amond)


Cracking jokes with the power couple


Attempting to bail the morning after


Taking a ride on the Serena train


Helping Kim with some Photoshop work of her own…


Ahh, the good life!


Photo: @MiyaBailey FEB 14th Art show: Windows to Nowhere

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Famed tattoo artist & painter Miya Bailey will be showing off his artwork on FEB 14th Art show: Windows to Nowhere. As more information becomes available I’ll bring it to you. But in the meantime follow @MiyaBailey on IG & Twitter

So Fresh Art: Artist Shows What Disney Princesses’ Happily-Ever-Afters Really Look Like


The one thing you could be sure about in childhood was that every fairy tale would end with a “happily ever after”. But what if we were to continue on with what happened to the beautiful princesses after we closed the last book page? Photographer Dina Goldstein imagines what lives of the Disney princesses turned out to be if we left all the fairy tale luck and charm aside. “I began to imagine Disney’s perfect Princesses juxtaposed with real issues that were affecting women around me, such as illness, addiction and self-image issues,” says Dina. “With limited funds, I began to assemble my series.” The Fallen Princesses series also comes in a book!

Checkout these cool pics after the jump

Website: dinagoldstein.com

Fresh Art: Artist Queenie Liao Creates Beautiful Photographs Using Her Sleeping Baby

Artist Queenie Liao found an amazing way to create beauty in photography using her sleeping baby. The pictures below are some of the most adorable photos we have ever seen & are sure to put a smile on not only your face but in your heart.  Also, catch some quotes from Queenie Liao on her love for photography and how the idea for these pictures came about. Enjoy.


“Photography has always been my hobby. At first my interest was on natural scenery, but after the birth of my first child in 2002, my attention shifted to my precious little baby.”

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“I began to take pictures of my baby boy, frequently drawing inspiration from the beautiful works of Anne Geddes.“

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“In 2010, after seeing the work of Ms. Adele Enersen with her sleeping daughter, I began to experiment with similar ideas with my then-three-month-old son Wengenn.”

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“I grew up indulging myself in fairy tales. Those fairy tales from my childhood gave me a multitude of ideas to try out.”



“Everyday just before Wengenn’s nap, I would imagine him being the main character in one of my favorite episodes, and “paint” a background setting with plain clothes, stuffed animals, and other common household materials, just like how an artist would with her paint brushes.”

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“Today, with well over one hundred photographs, each portraying a cute little story of Wengenn in his journey of adventure, I have combined them into an album called “Wengenn in Wonderland.”

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“A Chinese version of my book “Sleepy Baby – 可愛寶貝的扮裝寫真,” was published in Taiwan in July, 2012. The book provides step-by-step details of how some of those pictures were taken, as well as how other art crafts can be made out of baby pictures.”

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“I am very grateful to have the opportunity to share with the readers not only the pictures I have taken, but more importantly, the inexpressible love, joy and pride as a mother while creating this special album for my son Wengenn.”

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An English version of Queenie’s book is being made as well.




Photoset: Thor the passive aggressive roommate.

This is sooooo funny.

Fresh Art: The Astronomical Clock “St-Paulus-Dom Cathedral” Münster, Germany [Photo]


The astronomical clock on the St-Paulus-Dom Cathedral in Münster, Germany ~ Unlike modern clocks, the Münster clock is divided into 24 hours, runs counterclockwise, and indicates hours and minutes simultaneously. Since the clock faces south, the hands thus follow the actual course of the sun. The main hand, decorated with a silver sun and a rainbow, indicates the time. Each red and white line within the circle of Roman numerals represents four minutes. Five minor hands indicate the position of the planets Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Saturn and Mercury, while a silver ball (half painted black) represents the moon in its phases.


So Fresh Art: “Honest Slogans” [Photo Set]


Advertising is a clever way to get people to buy products and buy brands. But what if advertising was honest and straightforward, imagine what the slogans would be like. Well today you guys are in luck, below is a gallery of some “Honest Slogans”, these are definitely funny and above all truthful. Checkout the gallery below.


Fresh Art: “Do Not Buy Where You Will Not Be Hired” [Photo]



“Do Not Buy Where You Will Not Be Hired”

Floyd McKissick Papers (4930), Southern Historical Collection, Wilson Library, UNC Chapel Hill.

This photograph was found in the black attorney’s papers, Floyd McKissick. The actual date of the photograph is unknown, but it was found in a folder with other photographs from McKissick’s work with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and its Youth Chapter in Durham, North Carolina in the early 1960s. The individuals pictured in the photograph are also unknown.

Pictured are two African American males holding signs in front of a self service A&P Super Market. The signs say: “DO NOT BUY WHERE YOU WILL NOT BE HIRED” with a small “NAACP” in the bottom right corner. African Americans in Durham who participated in such civil rights groups often used sit-ins and boycotts to protest segregation and other unfair practices towards racial minorities. These two men in the photograph were boycotting this A&P Super Market because they were not allowed to be hired for employment due to their skin color. In order to discourage other African Americans from giving their money and business to a place that would not hire these black men, they stood out in front of the store with signs to let other blacks know of their injustices

Source: yearningforunity

Fresh Art: Banksy Art Sale On The Streets Of NYC

The other day, Banksy’s art continued to have the people of NYC flocking to buy one of a kind pieces. With each piece running for $60 each, the old man selling them had racked up about $420 within a few hours in Central Park.


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