Single This Valentine’s Day? Here Are A Couple Things You Can Do Instead of Staying In Miserable (For the Ladies)

What Single Girls Should Do On Valentine’s Day Instead Of Being Miserable


Valentine’s Day or better yet, the official Hallmark holiday, has approached the masses. The majority of men hate this holiday, as they should. It is just an excuse for their significant others to demand they show how much they love them by spending money on flowers that die, chocolate that gets eaten and cards that ultimately get thrown away.

Yes, I know, I sound so cynical and maybe I am because I am a part of another group that hates this joke of a holiday… single girls. We are forcibly surrounded by our coupled up friends and bombarded by sappy romantic date night ads.

It is only natural to throw some sort of internal pity party, especially because there are not too many options for us single ladies. However, here is a list of the most practical ways for a single girl to spend her Valentine’s Day.

Single Girls Night

One of the best options by far is to spend the evening with your fellow single ladies. Why not spend the holiday meant to glorify relationships by celebrating your single-dom. I would recommend going balls out and get an anti-valentine’s day piñata. You know you have wanted to ever since you saw Jennifer Garner hit the crap out of one in the movie “Valentine’s Day.”

Tinder it Up

Some may feel the need to go on an actual date on Valentine’s Day, and for those individuals, Tinder makes that option a quick fix. But as Tinderella suggests, you are most likely not going to find the love of your life and instead go home with a void temporarily filled and a possible STD. There is nothing wrong with Tinder, but I would be hesitant with who you are meeting up with as it is a good time of year for men to prey on vulnerable women.

Your Parents’ Third Wheel

Most hate to admit it, but sometimes the best cure for a lonely heart is to spend time with people who love you unconditionally. There is no shame in hanging out with your parents in this situation. I would gladly take a date where I will be able to order my favorite pasta and wine without wondering if it makes me look fat and still be told how beautiful and awesome I am. I will even order dessert with zero f*cks given.

A Night in with a Tub of Ice-cream

I will admit that this year on Valentine’s Day, all I want to do is stay home with my favorite flavored ice cream in my most comfortable sweatpants and watch my favorite guilty pleasure in the great movie “One Fine Day.” Sometimes a bit of wallowing in your own relationship despair is necessary.

When you feel something as unsettling as the loneliness it is better to release that in a positive way rather than to internalize it in an unhealthy way. So this Valentine’s Day, it’s okay to cry and be sad while you immerse yourself in romantic movies that will make your heart break.

Whichever way you decide to spend this hallmark holiday, just know there is no wrong decision. In instances as these, it is better to look out for number one, because we are the only ones who have to deal with our emotions, and you know yourself best.


Fresh Couples: Tamia and Grant Hill Cover Frank Ocean’s “Thinkin Bout You”

Yup this is definitely a fresh moment and a black love moment all in one. Singer/Songwriter Tamia and her basketball playing hubby Grant Hill took to the web to give us a cover of Frank Ocean’s hit single “Thinkin’ Bout You”….

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